Bodegas Estefania laver utrolige rødvine af virkelig høj kvalitet.
Bodegas Estefania
Bodegas Estefania blev grundlagt i 1999 af familien Frias og opstarten var i et tidligere mejeri. Filosofien bag Bodegas Estefania er at formidle skønheden, personligheden og kompleksiteten i produktionen fra de meget gamle vinstokke på vinmarkerne.
Bodegas Estefania vine
Ribera del Ulver Godello, Hvidvin lavet på 100% Godello.
Ribera del Ulver Joven, rødvin lavet på 100% Mencía.
Ribera del Ulver Evejecido en roble, rødvin lavet på 100% Mencía.
Ribera del Ulver Crianza, rødvin lavet på 100% Mencía.
Ribera del Ulver Pagos de Posada, rødvin lavet på 100% Mencía.
Ribera del Ulver Pieros, rødvin lavet på 100% Mencía.
Castillo de Ulver, rødvin lavet på 100% Mencía.
Clan Envejecido en Roble, rødvin lavet på 100% Prieto Picudo.
Clan Barrica 15 Meses, rødvin lavet på 100% Prieto Picudo.
Bodegas Estefania ligger i en dal flankeret af bjergene mellem Leon, Galicien og Asturien. Bierzo ligger nordvest for Madrid. Bodegas Estefania laver vine under appellationen D.O. Bierzo. D.O. Bierzo har mere end 4.500 ha af gamle vinstokke, men ikke mange af markerne er større end 2 ha. Klimaet er påvirket af både det kontinentalt og det fugtige Atlanterhavs klima.
Da Bodegas Estefania startede begyndte også et stort arbejde med de tilkøbte gamle vinmarker med Mencia druer. Mange små jordlodder giver et samlet areal på 40 ha. Mange af jordlodderne har vinstokke omkring de 100 år. Jordlodderne ligger i områderne Pieros og Valtuille de Arriba. Jorden er primært sandet lerjord på sydvendte skråninger i forskellige højder fra 500 meter og op til 800 over havets overflade. Arbejdet i vinmarkerne besværlig gøres af de meget stejle skråninger og udbyttet er meget lavt. Hvert jordlod høstes og opbevares hver for sig for at beholde de egenskaber de forskellige jordlodder har. Bodegas Estefania arbejder hen imod, at deres vine bliver økologiske og rødvinen Castillo de Ulver er som den første 100% økologisk.
Vinmageren RAUL PEREZ
Raul Pérez Pereira was born in 1975 in Valtuille de Abajo, one small village but the most important place for the vineyards in Bierzo. His family comes from the wine from 4 generations, and even he grows up with the vineyards and wine he thought then, that he doesn’t likes the wine.
He started the Medicine studies but soon he was called to change his live. He started to be interested in wine. So, it seems that his wine love history is more a matter of destiny than choice.
On 1995 was licenciated as oenologist by the REQUENA SCHOOL OF VITICULTURE. After he comes to Burgundy and experimented with the French wines. When he come back, in 1998, TILENUS/Ribera del Ulver offer him the possibility to create a new kind of wines, in his land, Bierzo, and he started the TILENUS/Ribera del Ulver project.
On 2013 MGWines group by Bodegas Estefania and Raúl was invited to continue and in addition to participate in other projects of the group. In 2014 he is involved, along with Poveda’s Family in the Fondillón, in Alicante.
On 2015 he created a new line in BODEGAS VENTA LA VEGA with the most selected plots of Grenache (Garnacha Tintorera) he does the three TERNARIO wines: TERNARIO 1, TERNARIO 2 and TERNARIO 10.
Raúl Pérez has experimented with a lot of grapes and a lot of places around the world, he loves the Pinot noir, Malbec etc…. but his main project always is the Mencia in Bierzo and the indigenous grapes of each place.
The international press is in love with Raúl Pérez, he always got the best reviews and his talent is well-known around the world. In 2015 was selected by the prestigious wine guide Bettane + Dessauve as “The best winemaker in the world”, and was not strange, in 2014 have got the same by the German Der Feinschmecker.
In all his projects he put the feelings more than the commercial goals. The relationship with the people involved is the most important.
For him, fixed formulas do not exist, every wine, every soil, every parcel and every variety is different. “The differences are infinite, it all plays a part until your emotions take over”, he says.
For Raúl Pérez, there are no rules, except one: to work in harmony with the ecosystem: “Our treatments respect the flora and the environment and we even manage to go without. Above all, we avoid systemic products”.